English 4, Post 6, 'Time Travel to the future'

 Warm Salutations,

Prospective Biochemists, Chemists and Food Engineers and Pharmaceutical Chemists from FCQF,

This week, I am bringing to you the sixth out of eight blog sessions.

In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment:

Write about an imaginary time travel to the future:

  • Where would you like to go? Why?

  • What time in the future?

  • Would you like to stay there? Why/Why not?

  • Upload pictures (optional)

Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher’s entry

Word count: 220 words



As usual, as you’re used to, I leave you an entry that you can take as a point of reference to write one of your own:

Future? Why? I do not know If I want to travel to the future, to be honest. What for? To acquire a ton of information that might be helpful for mankind, I suppose. Well, if I have to be honest, I wouldn’t mind if a take a short trip and find out what will become of humanity in a few decades, or even centuries. 

First of all, I would like to travel for 2 weeks in the future to find out what will become of some errands I have to make in two weeks’ time. If these errands turn out to be OK, my next journey will be in a few years, 4 or 5 let’s say. I think it will be pretty good to know [for sure and in exact terms] if I and my family will be OK in such a short time frame [4 or 5 years is such a really short time, don’t you think?]. Are we going to be OK? I think it’s up to this little journey to find out about it.

Once I had made sure that every acquaintance and family member will be OK, I think I will turn into an informant for future events that will involve us all as humans and people. Well, it will not do any harm if I can make some money with a little bit of information about some sports statistics, not that I will cause a major time and space collapse, I think. [any related events to a time travel movie called ‘Back to the Future’ are only mere and accidental coincidence].

Finally, I think I will look for information about time travel, to make this experience safer for the right people: engineers, scientists and anyone who is willing to and that can bring actual progress to our contemporary human landscape. However, if I think about travelling to the future even further, I think I will prefer to leave the world as it is and worry about my present. I know you will probably be thinking that this is a very cheap and anticlimactic way to end a blog entry, and it is. It’s not that is a good idea to mess with future events, either. 

Anyway, let’s turn the page over and see what would you do if you were able to travel a few moments or centuries in the future. Thanks for reading. Cheers!


  1. Travel to the future, an interesting topic of conversation

  2. How complicated it is to travel to the future, movies show that it is bad idea

  3. Thinking about the possibilty of time travel scares me a little bit :(

  4. Traveling to the future makes me anxious

  5. I have rarely heard about traveling to the future, you always want to fix something in the past

  6. The trip to the future is very interesting but I prefer to go back to the past.

  7. Traveling to the future would be great, but I want a DeLorean

  8. All the movies show it's a bad idea to travel to the future, i'd personally prefer to travel to the past.

  9. A trip to the future is interesting but at the same time a bit scary, I don't know if I would want to travel.

  10. I hope we are not making a paradox out of this.


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